Hoarder Cleaning Wiltshire – Wiltshire Pest Services
Hoarder Cleaning Wiltshire

Hoarding has become an increasingly common phenomenon where people obsessively stash household items. The severity of this mental health condition can vary widely but often leads to people storing extreme amounts of useless items. In some cases, this can include food waste and even bodily fluids.

Even where the hoarded items are themselves not trash, they can obstruct so much of the space that dust and dirt build-ups due to inaccessibility to clean. Not to mention that hoarding can also easily lead to pest infestations in hidden areas. It is also commonplace to find properties in such bad states attracting unwanted elements who make it their drug den and leads to hypodermic needles and other drug paraphernalia being disposed of on-site.

The difficulty in manoeuvring and the immense amount of clutter will often result in a need for professional hoarder cleaning services to set the property to rights. Concerns of biohazardous materials will also require specialist cleaning services to help make the property safe and habitable.

Our hoarder cleaning services include cleaning, sanitising, rubbish removal, and disposal for both domestic and commercial properties in and around the Wiltshire area. We also provide decontamination and odour removal services.

Hoarder situations can be highly complicated and pose a serious risk to human health. This is not something that can be handled through normal cleaning. Not only is there a need to sort through the hoarded items to identify what is salvageable and what needs to be disposed of, but there is also deeply entrenched filth that needs to be tackled to put the property back into a habitable state. Get in touch with our team today to book our hoarder cleaning services.

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