Woodworm Treatment Bath – Wiltshire Pest Services
Woodworm Treatment Bath

Woodworms may infest any commercial or residential property in Bath. If you have wooden furniture or structures on your property, they are susceptible to damage from wood-eating larvae called woodworms.

Woodworms are known as furniture beetles because they love to inhabit wooden furniture for nesting and feeding. It is easy to tell if woodworms have invaded your wooden items because you will usually see several small holes about 4 to 5 mm in diameter each. These are holes the woodworms use to exit the wooden items.

In addition, you may also see larger adult beetles within the vicinity and wooden dust deposits next to the wooden items or in window cills nearby. If you see even one of the three signs around your wooden items, your next step should be to contact a professional pest control company like Wiltshire Pest Services immediately.

Wiltshire Pest Services is a fully trained and experienced pest control company specialising in removing and preventing woodworms on properties in Bath. Our pest control technicians are trained to detect, eliminate, and deter woodworms on commercial and residential properties. So if you have woodworms infesting your wooden structures and furniture, it won’t take us long to eliminate the threat and prevent it from returning.

Our primary methods of woodworm treatment are insecticides with a curative and preventative action. Only trained professionals like ours should ever attempt to apply woodworm insecticides to wooden structures to ensure their effectiveness and to prevent harm to people. Once we finish, your woodworm problems will be over.

Call us at 07711 259749 or email us at to learn more about our woodworm treatment solutions and how we apply them safely and effectively. We serve all homeowners and business owners in Bath and surrounding areas.

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